++++ Sarah Fabi and I updated the paper on human-like intuitive decision-making and errors in large language models by testing ChatGPT, GPT-4, BLOOM, and other models – here’s the new manuscript +++ I co-authored a paper on privacy literacy for the new Routledge Handbook of Privacy and Social Media +++ Together with Leonie Bossert, I published a paper on the ethics of sustainable AI +++ I got my own article series at Golem, called KI-Insider, where I will regularly publish new articles (in German) +++ I attended two further Science Slams in Friedrichshafen and Tübingen and won both of them +++ I was interviewed for a podcast about different AI-related topics (in German) +++
Science Slam
In 2019, I competed in my first science slam. Then came covid. But finally, public events are possible again. Thus, I had the pleasure to be invited to a slam for the second time. In the end, the clapometer decided on a draw and I could happily share the win with Aysel Ahadova.
Science Slam
Im ausverkauften Stuttgarter Theaterhaus fand jüngst die diesjährige Ausgabe des Science Slams statt, zu dem neben anderen tollen Slammern auch ich eingeladen wurde. Es war mein erster Auftritt dieser Art – und es war ein ziemlicher Spaß! Nicht nur wegen des großartigen, riesigen Publikums von knapp tausend Menschen, sondern auch, weil ich es irgendwie geschafft habe, den Slam zu gewinnen…